4 Easy resolutions to achieve healthy hair in 2024!
2023 is finally in the rear-view mirror and what a year it has been!
Whether you fell in love with all 2023 had to offer, or you could not run away from the year fast enough, 2024 is a chance for a fresh start. Stop. Take a breath and press the reset button!
So let us quickly share a few easy-to-follow hair resolutions to guarantee that you have the best hair all year around in 2024!
(1) Your Healthy Hair Routine
What has your hair routine been like in 2023? Did it incorporate consistent healthy hair practices? Did these help you to reach your hair goals?
This year, I urge you to take the time and patiently (yes, sometimes it will feel like painfully lol) figure out what works and doesn't work for you — especially if you are newly natural. Or if you have been jumping from one routine to the other like Simone Biles on the high beam

There are some general guides, but the best way is to pay careful attention to how your hair responds to a specific routine.
Give it 3 - 4 months of consistency before ditching the routine for another one if it does not leave your hair easier to manage.
(2) Your Scalp
Have you struggled with a regular itchy and flaking scalp? Has your scalp been dryer than the desert in 2023?
This year, lovingly nurture your scalp. A lot of us want longer hair but do not realise that the health of our scalp affects hair growth! Your hair can’t thrive if your scalp isn’t happy, no matter what products you use.
A reminder I always share is to look after the scalp like we look after our skin – regularly wash it and then oil it. We all know that doing that maintains our black-don’t-crack luscious skin. So, in 2024, prioritise regular cleansing of your scalp and then follow this up with a nourishing scalp oil nourish. Nourish Hair Growth Booster oil replaces the nourishing sebum that is stripped out while cleansing.
(3) Your Hair Accessories
How many times have you tried to untie your hair from a hair tie, only to find that it is all tangled up? Then in frustration, you yank at it and end up losing your precious hair to the hair tie?! *THE PAIN*
Let us leave that in 2023, please! It is about time we stopped mercilessly damaging our hair! Accessories like tiny combs or hair ties with metal/plastics in them are easy culprits for breaking our hair.
Instead use your fingers to comb or detangle your hair. Stick on a movie, get comfy and then gently finger detangle your hair. This should be a time of self- love and appreciation for your glorious crown!
(4) Your Fitness
How many of us already have ‘’getting fit’’ as a resolution for 2024? I know I definitely do! Did you know that this not only helps your body, but your hair too? Did someone say 2-4-1?!
The smart scientists have done longgg hours of research and have concluded that working up a sweat increases blood flow to the scalp and helps your hair to grow!
So you mean, all that sweat on my scalp when I do burpees is actually helping my hair grow healthier and longer?! More burpees, please…
And don’t worry, if you are anxious about how to wear your hair while working out, I will be posting videos on the Afoyohair tiktok and Instagram pages where I will share tips on working out with natural hair.
Stay tuned for these tips and let me know in the comments, which tips you will be applying!
Before we have to part (parting is such sweet sorrow…) try to select at least 2 of these resolutions and see them through for the rest of the year. Bet on yourself in 2024!
Quote of the week: Encouragement is like water to the soul, it makes everything grow